Portfolio & main information

Yan Shatskiy
Frontend Developer


Torrevieja, a community of Valencia, Spain

tel: +34  617023276

e-mail: janshatskiy@gmail.com

git-hub: https://github.com/jan-web

linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/yan-web


Hard skills

JavaScript (JavaScript, React, TypeScript, Bootstrap)

Build  processes (Webpack, Gulp)  ∙ HTML/CSS  (semantic HTML5, CSS3, SASS)

Soft skills

Teamwork, Good communication skills, Adaptability, Responsibility, Creativity

Tools & technologies

Graphics  software (Adobe Photoshop, Figma, Zeplin, Avacode, CorelDRAW)

Development environment (Visual Studio Code, Webflow)

Languages level

English – intermediate

Spanish –  pre-intermediate

Russian –  native


Master's degree in Electromechanical Engineering, Faculty of Automation of Technological Processesand Production,Don State Technical University

Master's degree in Management of Organization, Faculty of Management of Organization, Rostov State Economic University (RINH)


Meticulous web developer with over 20 years of front-end experience and a passion for responsive website design.

Proficient understanding of web markup, including HTML5 APIs and CSS3. In my works, I use semantic, SEO-optimized and accessible markup. Good understanding of CSS frameworks and CSS templates (BEM) using SCSS.

My motivation is to create apps that have value in people's daily lives and to keep exploring new technologies.

I have been devoting myself to web development  with JavaScript for the current 4 years and with React for the current 2 years.


Page selling advertising structures

November 2024

Complex application - Landing page for selling advertising structures

website: https://banner-rostov.ru/

client: Advertising agency - REK PRO

tools: CSS, HTML, JavaScript

Advertising agency website - REK PRO

July 2024 - in progress

Website advertising agency with its own production of advertising materials

website: https://rekpro.pro/

client: Advertising agency - REK PRO

tools: CSS, HTML, JavaScript

Yoga center website - YOGA PEOPLE

December 2023

Yoga center website with animation, modern technologies and fully adaptive layout.

website: https://www.ludiyogi.ru/

client: Yoga center YOGA PEOPLE

tools: CSS, HTML, JavaScript, React, Google Apps Script.

My personal web-site portfolio

July 2023

Website - portfolio with a demonstration of modern web animation technologies.

website: https://www.yans.es/

client: myself

tools: CSS, HTML, JavaScript.

Website for the furniture studio P.S.

April 2023

The site was created for the furniture studio P.S. to present information about this company on the Internet. The site also presents a catalog of furniture produced by the studio, which in turn helps to attract potential buyers.

website: https://www.ps-artstudio.ru/

client: furniture studio P.S.

tools: CSS, HTML, JavaScript.

To Do service with React and  React-Bootstrap. Fetching data from the server

December 2022

This is a demo project which is based on React and React-Bootstrap library like UI library. Also I used to get data from a RESTful web service.

website: https://jan-web.github.io/todos-react-bootstrap-fetch-from-server/

repository: https://github.com/jan-web/todos-react-bootstrap-fetch-from-server

client: Demo Project.

tools: React, Bootstrap-React, Interaction  with RESTful web service.

Popular film search APP

September - October 2021

The application is written in the React library and allows you to search for films in the global base of films, which provides data through REST API.

You can search for any films by their title fragment, as well as select already sorted ratings such as: "Popular", "Upcoming movies in theaters", "Top rated movies", "Now playing in theaters".

website: https://jan-web.github.io/film-search-app-with-react

repository: https://github.com/jan-web/film-search-app-with-react

client: Demo Project.

tools: React, Bootstrap, Interaction  with RESTful web service.

Landing Page for the Metaphoric Cards Specialist

May - June 2021

This landing page was made for a psychologist and metaphoric cards specialist to advertise a learning course.

The purpose of the page to give an information about an off-line metaphoric cards course that the specialist provides and to connect potential students with the course provider.

website: https://jan-web.github.io/metaphoric-cards-landing/

repository: https://github.com/jan-web/metaphoric-cards-landing/

client: Yaroslava Kilivnik - Coach Psychologist

tools: CSS, HTML, JavaScript.

Japanese Online Bar

December 2020 - February 2021

Japanese food online bar demo project. I made only javascript for this project. Layouts, images and css styles were provided by https://javascript.info/

website: https://jan-web.github.io/japanese-online-bar

repository: https://github.com/jan-web/japanese-online-bar

client: Demo Project.

tools: Classes, OOP in JavaScript, modules in JavaScript, Drag'n'drop with events, slider component, DOM-properties and methods for forms, reading data from a form, Fetch method and Async/Await , Promise basics for network queries, exchanging data with a server in JSON format.